Gain a clear picture of your pet's well-being over time, ensuring their comfort and happiness.
Empower yourself to have meaningful discussions with your vet regarding your pet's care and end-of-life decisions.
Help your vet to better customize & adapt treatment, palliative care, & hospice plans to meet your pet's specific needs and ensure their well-being.
Assessing your pet's quality of life & well being, simplified
As an experienced Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner and Certified Hospice & Palliative Care Advocate, I've seen the shortfalls of the quality of life scales that most veterinary interdisciplinary team members & pet guardians lean on to interpret how a pet is doing after age-related decline is present, or after a progressive or life-limiting diagnosis is made. These scales typically rely heavily on the physical quality of well being, which is far too narrow a scope. I wanted something better for the families in my care -- & you! I created the Telos Quality of Well Being Assessment Tool to empower caregivers to comprehensively evaluate, monitor, communicate & collaborate with veterinary interdisciplinary teams to enhance their pet's well-being across physical, social, & psychological dimensions. This holistic, strengths-based approach is designed differently, using the Affect Balance Model, to promote comfort for the pet & help uncover gaps in caregiving. Designed to be used on a regular basis, this tool can help evaluate & track your pet's well being over time -- though it is equally helpful in during end-of-life conversations with core vet team members.

Lorrie Shaw, CAHP, CHPA
With 20 years in the pet care industry & the last 10 focused on animal hospice & palliative care, I've been an integral part of countless family's lives as they navigate the final miles of their pet's journey in life as they prepare for death.
Evaluate, monitor, communicate, collaborate
This dynamic-but-simple tool uses an approach that empowers you as a caregiver during a challenging time, supports your pet's well being -- & helps preserve the human-animal bond
Get your free download now